The king of all directories.
From GnuHoo to NewHoo to its current identity as The Open
Directory Project, DMOZ has operated with the goal of creating
a useful information resource. It is managed by a network
of approximately 10,000 active volunteer editors. For many
reasons, not the least being that volunteers have other things
to do, often a submitted site can go for quite a long time
before being reviewed. If you submit a site, then you need
to be prepared to wait. If you don't follow the ODP's basic
editorial guidelines, you can expect to wait a long time for
your site to get reviewed, if it ever does.
Think of it this way: An editor has received 50 submissions
today. He or she begins looking through them and sees many
with well-written titles and descriptions. Logically, the
editor will add the well-written sites first, as this enables
the editor to do his or her job. Your poorly-submitted site
will have to wait until tomorrow. O.K., tomorrow comes, and
the editor receives 50 new submissions. He or she begins looking
through them and sees many with well-written titles and descriptions.
Logically, the editor... (you can see the cycle here right?)
Whatever you do, be careful when submitting to the Open Directory.
Write an objective description of your Website paying attention
to what separates it from the others in the pack - Open Directory
editors won't add your site just because you ask them to.
The site must add something of value to the directory. Even
if your site is better than a site you've found on the directory,
it won't necessarily be accepted unless it offers something
unique or new and of value to web users.
If your site doesn't get added to DMOZ, it may have been
rejected. Most of the time, you will not get a message from
an editor informing you of the status of your submission.
We suggest that you submit, then wait. If your site does not
get added in 4-6 weeks, don't send the editors an email complaining
that your site was rejected. If the site was rejected, they
already know that. Remember you are dealing with a volunteer
who takes great pride in helping to build the Internet's most
useful directory. If you act like a pain in the ass, expect
to be ignored. If you have submitted your site according to
the guidelines, and it has not been added after 3 or 4 weeks,
send the editor an extremely polite, nice, kind email asking
them to consider reviewing your site. DO NOT RESUBMIT - resubmitting
puts your site back to the end of the line.
If you are rejected from the Open Directory, try submitting
the site again in 6 weeks with an accurate title and objective
description (keep it short). If you were rejected because
an editor caught you trying to pull a fast one, good for them!
Rethink your strategy. Go to business school. Take some classes
in ethics.
Regarding titles, 99% of the time, the title of the Website
is the name of your business. If your company is called McGinkus,
Inc. and you sell Fuzzy Bees, then your site can't be called
Fuzzy Bees. It must be called McGinkus, Inc. Maybe you should
change the name of your company to Fuzzy Bees, Inc., because
on the Open Directory, the site will be called McGinkus, Inc.
Open Directory Search Engine Analysis
Alternate URL:
The Open Directory is setting a standard that is practically
unreachable by any other directory-wanna-be on the Internet
by providing The Resource Zone. Submitters can get immediate
feedback about the status of their submissions, ask for help
and advice, and complain in public all they want. Stop by
and see.
Find the appropriate category and click on the link in the
upper right hand side of the page which says, "add URL."
Read How do I submit my site to The Open Directory (ODP or
DMOZ)? first, and if you're thinking of volunteering, read
the guidelines.
Show respect.
The Open Directory is a human-edited directory. All submissions
are free, and commercial sites are welcome.
The Open Directory does not add affiliate sites or MLM sites.
In essence, affiliate Web pages are simply doorways through
to e-commerce sites. DMOZ editors have been instructed to
include only the main site in an affiliate or MLM scheme.
For the details, please read the Open Directory Editorial
Guidelines - Site Selection Criteria.
Open Directory search results come from its own directory
listings. The results are derived from the titles, descriptions,
category names, and category descriptions in the Open Directory.
If you site is marked "cool" by the editors, it
will receive a prominent ranking.
Open Directory is a human edited directory like Yahoo!, and
it builds the directory pages for:
AltaVista (AltaVista's web directory is a copy of the Open
Directory, and it powers its own search engine.
AOL Search (AOL's directory is a copy of Open Directory, and
its search is powered by Google, which also relies on the
Open Directory to build its directory.
HotBot (HotBot's directory is a copy of Open Directory, but
its search engine also draws from its own implementation of
Inktomi's engine.) HotBot no longer offers a web directory.
Google (Google's directory is a copy of the Open Directory,
and it spiders Open Directory frequently. It gives sites listed
on the Open Directory special popularity relevance in it's
search results.)
Lycos (The lycos directory is a copy of the Open Directory.)
Lycos no longer offers a web directory.
Netscape Search (The Netscape directory is a copy of the Open
Click here to see a list of all the sites using Open Directory
How do I submit my site to The Open Directory?
How often should a site be resubmitted to the Open Directory?
Will DMOZ accept several urls from the same domain (deeplinks)
if the content or products are different? Is there a limit?
