Ready for Voice Search?
What is Voice Search? Voice search occurs when a user utters a query or command to a virtual assistant on a device. The assistant recognizes the voice command or query, analyzes the user intent and provides a response to that query from search engine results. These include Siri, Alexa, Google, Google Maps, Yelp, Bing, etc.
Voice search is poised to change search once again. It is already a necessary feature in modern cars and has made its way into homes due to the increasing popularity of smart home devices. VSR is a golden opportunity for businesses to reach more customers easily and improve their online presence.

What items are most important? Your business contact information – It is 100% accurate? Opening hours, location / address, etc. You can check your online profile here –
Where do frequent users of voice search utilize it the most?- Home, car, walking, work, restaurant and public transportation.
How to Adjust Your Site for Voice Search? Content is key to being successful with Voice Search and there are a lot of strategies that come into play.

1. Write specifically for human beings to speak the words on the page. Adjust our writing styles to accommodate voice devices reading content out to people.
2. Know your audience – stop and define exactly who you’re talking to. Quality, Uniqueness, Authority, Relevance and Trust become hyper-critical.
3. Get to the point and quickly: Not only will clearly defining who your audience is but also why they’re on your site and what they want to accomplish will help you laser focus your message.
4. Test out the systems – Played with Alexa. Asked Siri any important questions or even taken the time to test out the voice search options on your phone? Test a Google Home device you’ll see that if you search for Local Business in your area that the content being provided is being pulled from Google My Business.
5. Leverage FAQs – Human behavior changes when you’re talking versus writing something out. You don’t speak keywords like you do when typing a request.
6. Read your content out loud: This is something every single writer should do without fail but Voice Search makes it that much more important.
7. Think to the Future… Ponder how voice search considerations will change the way you deal with the information you publish about your business.