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The Search Queries page provides information about Google Web Search queries that have returned pages from your site. In addition, you can also see information about the pages on your site that were seen most often in search results (top pages).
Google Webmaster Tools Search queries

Google Webmaster Tools Search queries data includes the following:

  • Queries: The total number of search queries that returned pages from your site over the given period. 

  • Query list: Specific user queries for which your site appeared in search results. Webmaster Tools shows data for the top 2,000 queries that returned your site at least once or twice in search results in the selected period. This list reflects any filters you’ve set (for example, a search query for [flowers] on google.ca is counted separately from a query for [flowers] on google.com).

  • Impressions: The number of times pages from your site appeared in search results, and the percentage increase/decrease in the daily average impressions compared to the previous period. The number of days per period defaults to 30, but you can change it at any time. (These numbers can be rounded, and may not be exact.)

  • Clicks: The number of times a user clicked your site's listing in search results for a particular query, and the percentage increase/decrease in the average daily clicks compared to the previous period. (These numbers can be rounded, and may not be exact.)

  • CTR (clickthrough rate): The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click to your site, and the number of percentage points increase or decrease in the daily average CTR compared to the previous period. For example, if your CTR went from 40% to 30%, this column would show a change of -10.

  • Average position: The average top position of your site on the search results page for that query, and the change compared to the previous period. Green indicates that your site's average top position is improving.

To calculate average position, we take into account the top ranking URL from your site your site for a particular query. For example, if Jane’s query returns your site as the #1 and #2 result, and David’s query returns your site in positions #2 and #7, your average top position would be 1.5.

Google's Page

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----- RWD Pages -----
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----- RWD Clients A-G-----
52hymns.com - ArnoldKing.com - Barber Plastic Surgery - Bulldog Group Inc - BrassofPeace.org - C&J Trading - Caudill's Electric - CarsonWattsConsulting - ChemSourceDirect.com - ChristianFaithStories.com - ClemmonsFamilyDentist.com - Dr. Steven A. Cuccia DDS - ColtraneGrubbs.com - CliftonInsuranceAgency.com - CordaEntertainment.com - DiscoverKernersville.com - Encore Symposiums - ESS - Father's Day - FoamRite.com - French Interiors - GarrettMusicProducts.com - Hair Is Our Thing -

----- RWD Clients H-O-----
Hayley's Helpers Pet Care - HarperEyeCare.com - Innocent Dads - Jennic Property - Kernersville Foundation - Kernersville Museum- Kernersville Rotary - Kernersville Spring Folly - KonnoakBaptist.org - KernersvilleNC.com - Kernersville-Insurance.com - Long Insurance Services - Loft Gallery - Mindful Bodi Movement - Mobile Friendly Web Design - NCPilgrimage.org - On Course to College

----- RWD Clients P-Z-----
- Page & Assoc. - PopeEquipment.com - Realty Consultants / RentRRC.com - RobertEdwardsDDS.com - RoomerHasIt.biz - www.Greensboro.Furniture - STJClean.com - SmittysGrille.com - Snow Woodworks - TDG - Video Impact - Will Snyder Law
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