SE Rankings Reports ALL Moving to Monthly -
After careful consideration of the balance between time spent and informational benefits, I have decided to switch all reporting of Search Engine Rankings to a MONTHLY basis. Lately the software used for these reports has been inconsistent leading me to manually run reports on Monday mornings; This has been very time consuming. Most newer clients have been receiving these reports monthly, so for them, there will be no change.
Yes, rankings will still fluctuate
during some months, but from my experience of producing these reports for the last 10 years, 99% of the time, fluctuations resolve themselves within 1-2 weeks. With this change of reporting, the cost of these reports will also be reduced on an annual basis slightly.
All reports will now be sent in PDF format on or around the 1st of each month. In the past, I have sent most ranking reports in HTML format, so that you can view them in your email application without needing to open attached files, etc. Again due to inconsistencies, some of these HTML reports lately have arrived in an unreadable format. Now all will be PDF's!
If you truly cannot live without these reports every Monday morning, simply send me an email and I will change yours back to weekly.
- "Some of My Rankings are Low ... How do I / we Improve These?" -
If your site consistently"drops" in rankings, or many words are "dropped" and are not added the next month, then we need to work on your site. 'Fresh content' is the overall answer, but we also may need to add a page or two devoted to your weak phrase. Google likes pages that have a THEME or keyword that is emphasized.
One can not emphasize 5-6 phrases on a main page and expect Google to rank all of your phrases. Instead ... have 5-6 pages each with their own key phrase! Separate a key phrase on a new page! I will optimize this page around your needed phrase and chances are good that Google will pick these up.
You can also improve your rankings by obtaining more 'inbound links'. Inbound links are links from other respected and related web sites that link to your own site. This can sometimes be time consuming, but basically we have to contact other sites and simply request a link.
Responsive Web Design - What is This?
Responsive Web Design is simply desiging your site, changing your site so that it renders properly on all devices. Wiki defines it as:
Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling - across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)....
Your customers are visiting your Web and mobile sites on a multitude of devices. Does your web and mobile site work properly across all these devices? Do you know how your site appears in the major MOBILE platforms / browsers? How about Google Android? - Apple iOS / iPhone? - IPAD? - Blackberry? - Depending on the layout and size of graphics, your site may look perfect on your PC, laptop, but not sized properly for any of the above MOBILE devices.
Contact Rich for your own MOBILE compatable site! -
Google Places - Business Verification Postcard
Google Places (sometimes called Google Maps / or Google Local) is an extremely important aspect of Google when local businesses are concerned. In other words, if your business derives a large portion of your business from local customers then having your business show up in local searches is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
Have you seen the Google Maps w/ the red push-pins? Do a search for your business and include your city / town in the search. See?
To verify your business location, Google will send a postcard to your location w/in about 10 days that will include a PIN number. Please email me this PIN number. This is something I do for all of my clients, it is FREE! If you have a new site, or are new to RWD, Please be on a lookout for this Google postcard!
- Switch from Google Checkout to PayPal -
Ever since 2007, Google Checkout has been my choice for client online credit card payments. Last month, Google announced that they would be changing Google Checkout drastically and basically removing its functionality come September 2013. I have decided to switch all online CC transactions over to PayPal. So if you desire to make future payments to Rich's Web Design, simply go here (http://www.richswebdesign.com/creditcardpayments.shtml ) and have your payments processed thru PayPal.
Review Rich's Web Design on 
As most of you are aware, obtaining reviews on sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing or Yelp are important for ANY web business! Now you can place a review on one of the web's most trusted sites - 'Angie's List'. Please follow this logo / link and place your honest review of Rich's Web Design!