6/17/03 -
From "Google Guy" ...
After doing some research, GoogleGuy confirms that PageRank has not settled for the new index, and sites shouldn't be worried at this point.
"I'd recommend reading around here more(Webmaster World). Start with the FAQ and Brett's guide to building traffic in 26 steps. Feel free to keep an eye on what I post via my profile page. Think about terms that users would actually type to find your site, and make sure you've got them on your pages. Look for other sites that your users might like and link to them, and look for sites that would be a good match for your domain and nicely ask if they'd link to you. Definitely read through our section at www.google.com/webmasters/ for more advice about how to make your site more crawlable.
One cautionary word of advice: take everything with a grain of salt, and make choices that are common sense to you and work well for your users. For example, there was recently a thread that suggested Google was running out of "address space" to label our documents. I was talking to another engineer here and he said he almost fell out of his chair laughing when he read that. So there's always a lot of theories floating around all the time about why something is this way or that. My advice is to assume that Google wants the most useful, relevant pages to come up first for searchers. Try to build those useful, relevant pages as well as you can, and we'll do our best to find them and rank them accurately for searches.
Welcome to WebmasterWorld!"
6/16/03 -
Google Guidelines - from "Webmaster Guidelines"
Following these guidelines will help Google find, index, and rank your site, which is the best way to ensure you'll be included in Google's results.
- Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links.
- Offer a site map to your users with links that point to the important parts of your site.
- Create a useful, information-rich site
- Think about the words users would type to find your pages
- Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links.
- Check for broken links and correct HTML
- Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100).
- Submit your site to relevant directories such as the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!.
- Don't deceive your users
- Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings.
- Don't participate in link schemes
- Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages
- Avoid hidden text or hidden links.
- Don't employ cloaking or sneaky redirects.
- Don't send automated queries to Google.
- Don't load pages with irrelevant words.
- Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.
- Avoid "doorway" pages created just for search engines
6/15/03 -
-Dance has Begun (Sunday 6/15 - 5pm)
Go to GoogleDance.shtml for more info!
6/13/03 -
From "Google Guy" ...
There has been speculation that Freshbot will become Deepbot, and that the monthly update cycle will be replaced by a continously updating model. In this quote, GoogleGuy seems to suggest that Freshbot will continue to crawler deeper, but doesn't elaborate beyond that. ...GoogleGuy says: "Just to echo what I mentioned in another thread, I think that a lot of people have noticed that freshbot is crawling deeper into websites where the deepbot used to explore. It's getting deeper into not just fresh content these days. Maybe we should rename it to deepfreshbot (freshdeepbot?)."
6/12/03 -
More ... What's Up w/ 's PageRanking?
Most SEO pros have this feeling,"...they (Google) are implementing new spam filters and algos." ... or "They (Google) are
undergoing a major review of the algorithm. There was a lot of talk
at the Search Engine Strategies in London just last week amongst
From the "GoogleGuy" - "...Don't worry about the PR for now. We are going thru changes and YES, they will be updated v.soon. This new system will better detect spammers (unethical SEO practices)."
6/11/03 -
What's Up w/ 's PageRanking? .. or rather ... What's DOWN w/ PR?
If you have noticed during the last 2-3 months, Google's PageRanking (PR) system has been very unpredictable, and not very logical to say the least.
Most sites have kept their PR from early March, which means any new sites, still have a PR of "0", or worse a "gray bar". Most sites "Backward Links" have dramatically
been reduced.
If you are somewhat lost by now, let's take a brief step back to explain what "PR" and "Backwards Linking" is all about. From Google itself:
"... a system for ranking web pages. PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast
link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page
A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links
a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important"
weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."

To download the Google Toolbar to see all site's PR, Go
here!. You not only be able to have Google's PR
Tool, but also an integrated search function, a Page Info
tool and much more. A part of this Page Info tool is the
capability of seeing any sites "Backwards Links". In other
words, how many other sites link to the site you are viewing.
As you read in the above quote from Google, this number
of "quality backwards links" helps to determine a site's
PR value. It is a rather complex formula, but that is the
basics. If you do not have Google's toolbar and want to
see how many sites Google THINKS there are linking back
to a given site, just do a search on Google for "link:http://www.anysiteyouwish.com"
PR is on a scale of 0-10, where "0" is a poor site, with very little quality (in Google's opinion) and has very few if any sites linking backwards to it. A site which has a PR of "10" would be like Yahoo.com , Microsoft.com, Adobe.com, USAToday.com and CNN.com ; Extremely high quality sites that are industry standards and have many MANY sites linking to it.
What I touched on in the beginning paragraph is the PR of many sites are stuck on whatever PR it had back in March. Many backwards linking number have also been very unpredictable. Back a few months ago, I had some 480 backwards links for www.RichsWebDesign.com . Now is shows the number at 184. ... No explanation!
According to many SEO experts, Google may be going through some major changing in the next few months and have just not updated there PR system. No one seems to know why, but it is unfortunate for newer sites. These newer sites have PR=0 or have not even been listed, therefore do not show any PR (graybar).
Some of the better places to hear news, anouncements and
some interesting gossip about Google and Google's PR can
be found @ www.SearchEngine-news.com,
Google Guy, iHelpYou.com and SEO
Chat. Keep watching in
Rich's Web Design News ... I will keep you updated AS SOON
as I hear ANYTHING!
5/25/03 -
What happens when you type a single letter -- whether
accidentally or intentionally -- into Google? The Google alphabet
shows the first result the first hit you get (in English)
for each letter. The obvious question, of course, is "why?"
The page is the work of Nathan Dintenfass, a web developer
and blogger. He explains, "On April 9th, 2003 I happened
upon a random post on Doc Searls blog where he explained
that he accidently typed just the letter "O" into Google
and got the O'Reilly web site. I started wondering what
came up for all the letters of the alphabet, and I've been
meaning to play around with the Google Web Services API.
The Google alphabet is the result.
A |
Apple's main homepage. |
B |
B'Tselem, The Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the ...
Endeavors to document and educate the Israeli
public and policymakers about human rights violations...
C |
D |
D-Link Systems,
Manufacturer of hubs, switches, NICs, Ethernet.
E |
Welcome to E! Online
Entertainment news, celebrity gossip, games
and community. |
F |
Welcome to F-Secure,
Securing the Mobile Enterprise
Product information, news, support, and information
on viruses. |
G |
Makers of exceptional fishing rods, reels,
rod blanks and accessories. |
H |
H-Net, Humanities
& Social Sciences Online
Interdisciplinary organization dedicated to
developing the educational potential of the Internet
with... |
I |
The first large scale directory of the Internet.
J |
triple j | it's
a radio station
K |
KDE Homepage - Conquer
your Desktop!
KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment
for Unix workstations. |
L |
Europa - The European
Union On-Line
Official portal to the European Union's institutions,
policy programs, and news releases. |
M |
3M Worldwide
More commonly known as 3M. Technologies include
abrasives, adhesives, non-woven fibers, films,
precision... |
5/11/03 -
10 Tips to the Top of Google
Having a Web site that gets found in Google isn't hard to do, but it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are ten tips to get you started.
1. Start out slowly. If possible, begin with a new site that has never been submitted to the search engines or directories. Choose an appropriate domain name, and start out by optimizing just the home page.
2. Learn basic HTML. Many search engine optimization techniques involve editing the behind the scenes HTML code. Your high rankings can depend on knowing which codes are necessary, and which aren't.
3. Choose keywords wisely. The keywords you think might be perfect for your site may not be what people are actually searching for. To find the optimal keywords for your site, use tools such as WordTracker. Choose two or three highly targeted phrases for each page of your site. Never shoot for general keywords such as "travel" or "vacation."
4. Write at least 200 - 250 words of visible text copy based on your chosen keywords. This is a crucial component to high rankings and a successful Web site. The search engines need to "read" keyword rich copy on your pages so they can successfully classify your site. Use each keyword phrase numerous times within your copy for best results.
5. Create a killer Title tag. HTML title tags are critical because they're given a lot of weight with all of the search engines. You must put your keywords into this tag and not waste space with extra words. Do not use the Title tag to display your company name or to say "Home Page." Think of it more as a "Title Keyword Tag" and create it accordingly. Add your company name to the end of this tag, if you must use it.
6. Create Meaty Meta tags. Meta tags can be valuable, but they are not a magic bullet. Create a Meta Description tag that uses your keywords and also describes your site. The information in this tag often appears under your Title in the search engine results pages.
The Meta Keyword tag isn't quite as important as the Meta Description tag. Contrary to popular belief, what you place in the keyword tag will have very little bearing on what keywords your site is actually found under, and it's not given any consideration whatsoever by Google. Use this tag, but do not obsess over.
7. Use extra "goodies" to boost rankings. Things like headlines, image alt tags, header tags H1 ... H2, etc.), links from other pages, keywords in file names, and keywords in hyperlinks can cumulatively boost search engine rankings. Use any or all of these where they make sense for your site.
8. Be careful when submitting to directories such as Yahoo and the Open Directory Project (DMOZ). Having directory listings are a key component to getting your site spidered and listed by Google. Making mistakes in the submission process could cost you dearly as directory listings are difficult to change later in the game. Therefore, it's important to read Yahoo's How to Suggest Your Site and How to add a site to the Open Directory before submitting.
9. Don't expect quick results. Getting high rankings takes time; there's no getting around that fact. Once your site is added to a search engine or directory, its ranking may start out low and then slowly work its way up the ladder. Some search engines measure "click-through popularity," i.e., the more people that click on a particular site, the higher its ranking will go. Be patient and give your site time to mature.
10. Don't constantly "tweak" your site for better results. It's best not to make changes to your optimization for at least three-to-six months after submission. It often takes the engines at least that long to add your optimized pages to their databases. Submit it, and then forget about it for a while!
If you've followed these tips and still can't find your site in the engines, the first place to "tweak" would be your page copy. If you added less than 250 words of visible text on your pages, this is probably your culprit. Also, double check your keyword density, and make sure that you only targeted two or three phrases per page. Eventually, you'll see the fruits of your labor with many top ten rankings in Google and the rest of the search engines!
4/17/03 -
Google Ranking Tips
- From
is by far the most popular search engine available today for both ordinary surfers and webmasters.
Surfers like it because of the highly relevant results it gives, and the speed it gives them at. This is due to its complex text matching algorithm and of course the PagerankT system that this engine uses. More on the PagerankT system later.
is popular with webmasters and Internet Marketing companies due to the highly workable ranking system it uses.
Unlike other engines where information about how the results are obtained are sketchy at best, Google actually publishes information on it's site about the results it produces. So webmasters have things they can do to produce higher rankings. What also makes Google popular with webmasters is the speed at which they will spider / list your site.
If you are not listed in Google and submit you are usually indexed within two weeks. If however your site is already listed in the index Google should reindex once everymonth, but more frequently if you have a high PagerankT.
This indexing / reindexing time is much quicker than most other search engines, this allows webmasters to edit their pages properties such as title, first few lines of text, headings, keyword distribution and of course the number of incoming links to their site. They can then discover quickly if the changes were successful or not.
It's because of this popularity that you need to know the workings of the google search engine, without knowledge of it you will be ranked lower than all other sites that are only slightly familiar with the Google algorithm.
So lets indulge ourselves in the Google ranking algorithm. Well there are two main parts to the algorithm google uses, the first is its text matching system, whereby Google tries to find pages relevant to what the searcher has entered in. The second and equally important part of the algorithm is of course the Google patented PagerankT system.
I'll first go through how to make your page relevant, i.e. - the text matching part of the algo.
gives a lot of "weight" to the title tag when searching for keywords. So make sure your most important keywords or keyphrases appear in the title tag. It's seems to work best if you have other words in your title tag too after your keywords, but try to remain under 35-40 characters.
As many of you know Google does not use meta tags such as keywords or description tags this is because the text in these tags cannot be seen by visitors to a website. And Google feels these tags will be abused, by webmasters placing lots of unrelated words in them in order the get more visitors.
The lack of support for meta tags means that Google creates your description from the first few lines of text on your page, this means you have to have your keywords and phrases right at the top, if it finds them your page becomes more relevant. If it doesn't the rest of your page has to work harder to become relevant. For example Scroll back to the top of this page and you will see:
AKA Marketing .com - Free Internet Marketing Articles , Google submitting tips, ranking high at google.com
The above sentence includes keyphrases related to this page.
Google considers keyword density in the body of a page for determining relevancy too, so make sure your keywords and phrases appear a couple of times throughout the whole page. Don't go overboard though, a density of 6-10% seems to work best.
Other advice about making your page relevant includes putting keywords into the heading tags . Also try and bold as many keywords as you can. As of late Google seems to be indexing text in alt image tags, so includes your keyphrases in there too.
One final tip on page relevancy is the point on having your keywords and phrases in links which point to your site. It is a good idea to have the linking text contain your keywords as Google even says itself that it analyzes pages that links come from too, in it's description of it's pagerank technology.
How much keyword laden links matter is anyone's guess. But I have noticed a lot of sites which give the HTML code to visitors who want to exchange links do include keywords in the actual linking area. You should do something like this to on your links page. Say something like "if you want to link to this site, please use the following code".
In the above section of the article you have learned what areas Google uses and looks at when looking for a relevant site. But what method does Google use to determine which site is better, the answer is the PagerankT system.
PagerankT is as the name suggests a ranking system of pages. It works on the basis that if a website ABC.COM has been linked from a website XYZ.COM, abc.com must have some good content and therefore Google will count the link from XYZ.COM as a vote for ABC.COM
The PagerankT scale goes from 1 to 10 on the Google toolbar and from 1 to 7 beside listings on the Google toolbar. A less important site is of course a site with a PR of 1 and a very very important site is a site with a PR of 7 or 10, in the directory or toolbar respectively.
The more links or votes a site has the more important it must be and therefore the higher it will rank for search words which it is relevant to, right?, WRONG!.
does not simply count the number of incoming links a page has, if that was the case every webmaster from Iceland to Vietnam would try and exchange links to every tom, Dick and harry website that would let them. In Googles own words
"Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."
Hopefully your beginning to get the idea. If not - The idea is to have your page linked to by as many high quality and high pageranked sites as possible. Right?, RIGHT and WRONG.
WRONG BECAUSE - You see Google pagerank system also takes into account the number of links the page that has linked to you has. The reasoning for this is that a page X has a certain amount of voting PR, if your site Y is the only link from that page X, then Google feels confident that page X thinks your page Y is the best link it has, and will give you more PR. If however page X has 50 links, page X could think your only the 50th best page. So the more links it has the less of a PR boost your site gets.
RIGHT BECAUSE - Linking to a site with a 6+ PR will provide a significant boost to your PR in most cases, but in cases where the site also links with 100 other sites the boost will be almost zero. Likewise if a site has a PR of just 2 but you and only one other site are linked from it, then the PR boost would be more than the site with 100 links and a PR of 6.