Google has a variety of logos commemorating
holidays and events for your amusement. Please, don't feed the
kangaroo. To keep up w/ logos in the future
go here! Yes, all of these logos were created by the
Google staff. I do not take any credit for them nor will I use
them for my benefit.
- 2000 - 2001
- 2002 - 2003
- 2004 - 2005
Holidays - 2004

Happy Thanksgiving - November 25, 2004

VOTE - November 2, 2004
Halloween - October 31, 2004

SpaceShipOne wins the X Prize - October 4, 2004

Celebrating Ray Charles - September 23, 2004

Celebrates Google's 6th Birthday - September 7, 2004

Swiss Confederation Day - August 1, 2004

Celebrates the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens


Tanabata in China, also known as the "star festival", takes place on the 7th day of the 7th
month of the year,

Independance Day - July 4, 2004

2004 Euro Cup - 4 July 2004

Father's Day - June 20, 2004

Bloomsday - June 16, 2004

Venus Transit - June 8, 2004

Mother's Day - May 10, 2004

Anzac Day - 25 April 2004

Earth Day - April 22, 2004

Google opens lunar office - April 1, 2004

Persian New Year - 20 March 2004

St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2004

Leap Year - February 29, 2004

Valentine's Day - February 14, 2004

Birthday of Gaston Julia - February 3, 2004 - From E=mc^2 to the Julia set – another mathematically inspired doodle.

Chinese New Year - January 22, 2004

Spirit on Mars - January 15, 2004 - The idea for this "Spirit of Mars" doodle comes only hours before the Rover is set to wheel around on the red planet. We have the draft done in no time, but don’t post it until the bot actually starts rolling.

Happy New Year! - January 1, 2004
