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Designer Friends:
As most of you know, reciprocal links are becoming more
and more important, as long as if they are from valuable
and related subjects. I would like to add your firm on my
"associates" page along with a brief description.
If you have a similar section on your site and so desire,
please add my site to yours:
Rich's Web Design - "Custom Web design and development
services in NC with professional site upgrades, search engine
optimization and clean graphic design."
or copy this:
<a href="http://www.richswebdesign.com" target="_blank">
<B>Rich's Web Design</b></a> - "Custom Web design and development
services in NC with professional site upgrades,
search engine optimization and clean graphic design."
Thanks! - Rich B!
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from your website, and indexable by search engines). Once
you are ready to have your Full Page Feature created, be sure
that your page for RichsWebDesign.com is up.. then simply
provide us with your information.
I will be glad to help you